Beautiful temples in Kyoto

architecture, Asia

Kyoto has literally thousands of temples to offer, many of them with Unesco World Heritage status. The tricky part is picking the ones that you want to visit during your stay. Here is a selection of beautiful temples in different styles:

Otagi Nenbutsuji (愛宕念仏寺)

the temple is filled with little stone statues representing the disciples of buddha

each statue is different, their features childlike

cute couple

all of the statues are covered in bright-colored moss

close up of a statue

the famous Fushimi Inari shrine (伏見稲荷大社) with its orange-red gates

the back is engraved with the name of the donor and the date of donation

the path leads up to the peak of the mountain – you can easily spend 3h walking through gates

watch out for the grumpy cats

Kiyomizudera temple (清水寺) covered in scaffolding

golden leaves and wooden scaffold

Kinkaku (金閣寺) – the golden temple

green and gold

Ryoanji (龍安寺)- zen temple with rock garden

at Ryoanji

December 27th – 30th, 2018

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